"Top 5 Ghost Walk in America" USA Today
"Best Tour and Best Ghost Walk"
"Best of the Road" Rand McNally
"Best Tour" Encore Magazine
Named Top "10 Tours In The U.S." Trip Advisor
TLC, Discovery, History & The Travel Channel, MTV's Fear, Haunted TAPS & The Daily Buzz
The ghost walk will journey into the depths of old Wilmington as we tour Cape Fear's most actively haunted locations for 90 minutes. Our costumed professional ghost guides will bring you eerie tales of ghostly occurrences, including recent guest encounters.
There is a reason we are Wilmington's #1 haunted attraction!
One of the most haunted residences in Wilmington, the Latimer House has some of the most chilling paranormal experiences. This 10,000 square foot Antebellum home was the site of heartbreak, tragedy and death. As per history, many of Zebulon Latimer's children didn't make it until four. Even the employees report missing things and a rotting smell of death in the basement.
The site of a historical account of a man buried alive, St. James Episcopal Church built in 1739 is the location of the oldest graveyard in Wilmington. This is also considered one of the most haunted graveyards in North Carolina. The chilling occurrences reported for over 200 years are still experienced by visitors today.
The pre-Civil War era mansion with a slave quarter. Of all the mansion's many floors, it is the top floor, the Children's Floor, that gives guests the uneasiest feelings. Visitors say that they feel chilling effects or even feel ill upon reaching this floor. But it is the ghost of the old woman that may be the most frightening.
Considered one of the most frightening haunted sites in the city. The site of public executions – a horrific sight hard to imagine now considering the lovely old home that stands there today. Thieves and murderers were among those who likely met the noose at what became known as a Gallows Hill. Their spirits still are active today.
The New Hanover County Courthouse in Wilmington, NC, is known for its hauntings, with stories circulating about spirits occupying the historic building. Stories suggest three spirits. Perhaps a distraught woman, a previous clerk still doing his job and a amorous madman from long ago.
The lower floor of the old Masonic lodge was the site of a murder. In the 1870's, it was a grocery store where a woman was shot and killed just outside.
Every once in a while her name appears to be written in the glass behind the bar.
But the spookiest thing is the image of her killer appearing in our tour guests photos.
We meet 20 minutes before departure of all tours at the Ghost Walk of Old Wilmington sign, riverfront at Market and Water Streets
8 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, United States